Macy is graduating hair school! I know, I know, I can just hear Macy telling me "Josh it is not a big deal!" But you know what, it is a big deal. My sister Collie went to hair school so you would think I had some idea about how tough it actually is, however I must have forgotten how long and grueling hair school actually is because I am once again deeply impressed by these girls ability to finish through and finish strong. There are a few requirements you have to fulfill in order to graduate from hair school and they are as follows
1) a)-- Finish 2,000 hours in the school cutting hair and learning to cut hair! First of all that is a lot of time. 30 hours a week for 78 weeks to be precise. It has taken Mace a long time but she is doing it and she is doing awesome. (Who would have though there would be that much to learn about hair too, but there is. Just ask, there is a lot to know)
5d)-- Have good enough grades to be eligible to graduate. I think Macy is a straight A student!
b)-- Pass your two state boards which are very strict and tough to pass. When I was reviewing the book that Macy got to study with I was suprised at how much general chemistry she was expected to know. Things that I learn in Gem Chem 2 she could tell me and it was fun because I had no idea she knew so much about pH, and compounds.
c)-- Complete a service project for a charity of your choice. Yes that is right, a service project outside of class time. I know right? Who would have thought.
I can't think of the other ones right now, but i'm sure there is one or two things I am forgetting. But anyway just wanted to send a shout out to Mace because she is doing awesome and i'm proud of her.
Oh and P, just so you know once she is graduated she can still cut hair. Except better because now you can have a real friend and family discount. Just sayin'...
Next up, next up. Now I wish I could say that I had put in all my work to be able to be graduating but I haven't. But I can say that I now have, and will have another check mark on my Life's to do list.
I ran a triathlon. Now I say I do have but will have the check because I only have it halfway completed. On June 2, 2012 I completed the Salem Springs triathlon. It was so much fun and I really did enjoy it. (Weird I know) I competed in the Tri, with my sister Collie who swam, biked, and ran with a broken arm. She is awesome. But we did great and I am so happy. Now for the rest of the check mark, in approximately 4 days, I will be in Burley Idaho to finish a full olympic triathlon. Which is about a mile swim, 30 K bike, and 10 K run. It has been a long time coming and I have been training for it since January. It is actually quite time consuming, and I will be happy to have done it. I really like to compete and it's fun to be out there pushing myself in new ways that I have always wanted to try.
It will also be fun because the whole family is going to be up there supporting us in Burley. So who knows what Idaho will through at me, but bring it on SPUDMAN!
So I guess all around we could call this a commencement. On to bigger and brighter things. Hoorah.