Monday, January 23, 2012

21 hours later this is all I can think of...

If I had a wand I wouldn't be like Lord Voldemort, I would be more like Neville Longbottom. I don't want to say I would be more like Harry Potter because that would be very presumptuous of me. After all I am no "Chosen One". But I do like to play the pivotal side role, that in the end has kind of a big part, but still can fade into the background with ease. If I had a wand I wouldn't be like Crabbe, and use spells that I can't control, like fiend fire. I think I would be responsible with a wand and all around a good person. I wouldn't put people under the Imperius curse, and I would never use the Crucio curse. I wouldn't make horcruxes, and desire to live forever. I wouldn't duel unless Draco Malfoy was trying to hex me. I wouldn't apparate into people's house, I would politely apparate outside and knock on the front door as would any good common citizen. I would always practice care and caution when it comes to spells that I find in books. And I would never, ever, use my wand around muggles. I would proceed with all caution and care when it comes to my wand. My wand would probably not be made of Elder Wood, and it probably wouldn't have a phoenix feather in it, but after all who knows because the wand does choose the wizard. My wand would be awesome, just sayin'.

1 comment:

Ryan and Staci said...

You are a muggle....just sayin'! :)