Sunday, November 11, 2007


So I start this post off with a question? What ever happened to Thanksgiving? Has the American society just abandoned all hope of being thankful for something? Let me tell you what I am talking about. November 1, 2 radio stations in the State of Utah started to play Christmas music. Those to radio stations are FM 100 and Kosy 106.5 The thought that Christmas music is being played right now at this exact moment in time is driving me nuts! Secondly I walked in a couple of stores the other day and there are Christmas decorations up! Big signs talking about Christmas, Christmas trees, presents, wrapping paper, and everything that goes with the great holiday of Christmas.

Now i'm not disrespecting Christmas I am just respecting Thanksgiving. I mean maybe it's just because I love the month of November I mean who doesn't? What with Ski season, and Basketball season, the Utah playing the team down south, Thanksgiving and snow? The fact that it is also my birth month helps but how can you go wrong with all of that fun stuff?

Now that i've rambled a bit, I am just going to ask let's show Thanksgiving a little love. It's time to be thankful and remember all of your blessings. Oh and today I am thankful for the fact that way I am down to 24/25 days depending on how you count. Woooo! Having just read Prestons blog I liked what he said about Pippen's line. "I don't want to fight in a battle, but waiting on the edge of one I can't escape is even worse" I feel like Preston and Pippen just reversed, I want to serve a mission, and just get out there. I am tired of waiting. I just hope what they say is true, good things come to those who wait :) And remember be thankful and remember Thanksgiving this year.

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