Feb 15
Partly Cloudy
at 12:45 pm
at 12:45 pm
at 3:05 am
at 3:05 am
Yesterday was just as nice as Friday. I love the winter. I love the snow. I love to shovel the snow off my driveway. I love how quiet it gets during a snow storm. I love warming up after spending all day outside in the winter. I love to read, and watch movies in my sweats. I love watching people try to drive up 1300 South during a snow storm. I love building snowmen with Macy. I also like throwing snowballs at Mac. I love to ski and everything that entails. I love
to do thinks like this-
Winter makes for such good days.
My soul can feel that the winter is breaking. The days are getting warmer, and the snow is starting to melt. The days are getting long again. Winter, it seems, will be leaving us again shortly. I will miss the winter, and I look forward to it's visit again.
Luckily, summer brings some of my favorite things-