Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy New Years!

I made an Octobers years resolution. Throughout my life I have been average at brushing my teeth. When I was younger I am ashamed to admit that I missed days entirely brushing my teeth. As I have grown older I learned the importance of brushing twice a day but in that twice a day there are still ways to slack. How about the 30 second brush? Or can I hear a yell for even the 15 seconds brush. How about the time I ran out of toothpaste so I just used the brush. Don't even get me started on flossing.

Well with a new month I took the opportunity to make a new habit. I am proud to say I made an October years resolution to floss more diligently and to brush my teeth for the full 2 minutes every day. My toothbrush even has a timer to make it easy. No excuses right? I am also proud to admit that this October's year resolution has not fallen through yet. I am actually doing quite well, and if I may say so I love it. My mouth has never been so happy and clean.

1 comment:

Ryan and Staci said...

Way to go Josh! I am so proud of you....hahahaha