Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's comparable to fishing

I love libraries. I especially love big libraries, like libraries that have multiple stories, and multiple sections. I love when you can walk into a library at the main entrance and it's a busy place, but as you pass through multiple sections, and multiple computer labs, you find a place where no one can bother you even if they wanted too.

I had a spot at the Utah Valley University library that I loved. It was quiet, and mostly secluded. It was a place that not a lot of people would walk by and even when someone did I never noticed them because I could be wrapped up in my own little world there, which probably consisted of anatomy, genetics, or vertebrate zoology, whatever was floating my boat at the time. It was a good spot, but most importantly it was mine. I liked it, and no one could take that from me.

I found my new spot here at the University of Utah Library. Deep within the bookshelves on one of the 5 floors that is offered here, probably 100 feet from the nearest other 5 souls. I took a big part of my day today to explore and delve into the crevices of the library here at the U to find this spot. I explored high and low, from 5 to 1, every inch. Now I claim this spot for Josh. I have my own personal outlet too plug my computer into. My own cubicle, where I could probably place pictures of my family, and favorite hobbies and they wouldn't be bothered. On every side of my is books, and bookshelves, and the only sounds I hear, are the hum of an air conditioner, and the rattle of a light just above me. This is definitely my new favorite place to study. Alone, quiet, peaceful. If I look just right down one of the aisles I can see the outside world, the faint outline of the words "The University of Utah--Rice Eccles Stadium" Now as I am about the create my own little world, of Cell Biology, Chemistry, and the world of metals I can't ask for anything more...

Oh good, the first people I have seen just walked by, so maybe someone would find me if I died...

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