Monday, July 4, 2011

I can't wait....

I generally like to think of myself as an optimistic person. That being said, I have usually always enjoyed my life. Sure I have my rough days, every now and then, and I have to struggle to make it through those. But very, very rarely have I ever been in a position where I laid down at night to go to sleep that I couldn't smile. I have such a good life, surrounded by good people, that it's hard not to be content with where I am at.
Which brings me to my point. Lately I have encountered a new emotion in myself. I have wanted to stop time, but at the exact same moment I have wanted to have a fast forward button just to see where this life is going to take me in the next coming days, weeks, months, and years. It's a bit of a strange thing for me. Sure I have had 2 desires in me at the same time before. (For example I usually always want to be more than 1 place at a time. I always want to be at Southwood throwing a frisbee, and I also want to be on a beach in Mexico.) But I have never had such strong desires to pause life and to fast forward at the same time. I want to pause life because I am enjoying my life so much right now. Right now at this exact moment I wish I could pause my life forever. I think if life stopped right now, I would be one of the happiest men on the earth. At the same time I want a fast forward button because I am so excited about the road that is shaping up before me. I can't help but feel that everything is going to just get better. It doesn't seem that there is a way that it could possibly get worse.
It seems lately that I have been receiving a lesson in what really matters most in this life. I have laughed, smiled, hugged, loved, and enjoyed so much more lately in everything. I am being tutored in what matters most, and I am not complaining.
Now with all that said, as always in life, I am sure a tough day will come. I am sure what seems to be an endless sunshine will inevitably produce a cloud that will bring rain, thunder, lightning, maybe snow, and rough seas. It's for moments like those that we have moments like the ones I am having right now. So when the tough times come all I have to do is remember first that all things pass, and second how good life can be when surrounded by those that we love the most. Never truer have been the words, "men are that they might have joy."
Quote for today: Happiness is not found in activities, but in people.

1 comment:

Ryan and Staci said...

Love this! Glad I could give you some fun pics to put in your post! Love ya!!