Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Just fish......

As I looked out my window, first thing this morning to check the weather report that Dallin gave to me yesterday, I had one thought come across my mind as I saw the snow.....it's probably sunny in Mexico. From that moment on the only thing I wanted was to go to Mexico and be a beach bum. Just sit on the beach and have no where to go, and no where to be. It didn't help as I got in my car and put on Kenny Chesney, and drove to school. It didn't help as I walked to my english class in the snow, and while in class drew pictures of me playing frisbee and sitting on a beach somewhere where it was sunny. Someday's I just really want to be a beach bum. I think I would make a good beach bum. Lest you confuse me with someone who hates the cold and the snow, the other half of my dream is to be a ski bum.

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